Sunday, June 22, 2008

My June holidays

Hmm.. I'll give the holidays 3-stars. My holidays were a little bit boring, but nonetheless fun because I get to go on the computer! That time, my father bought a sunflower for my mum, and I looked closely at the sunflower. Then I asked my dad whether I could do a little experiment with the flower, and because it was almost going to die, my mother agreed too. So, my dad cut open the flower and he showed us the parts of the sunflower, like where the nectar is stored. After that, we threw it away. I spent the rest of the holidays with my family ( Like going out ), on the computer and studying. I don't like vegetables, but I had to eat them anyway. But now, I feel as if the vegetables has made me a little taller. I'm glad about that :). When the holiday ended, I felt sad and happy. I felt sad because I've got quite used to freedom and wants another month of holiday but also felt happy for I can see all my friends again! I guess this ends my post!

Keep looking for more posts and have fun learning about cyberwellness!

- Posting Hana << :)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Wish come true...

Yay!!! I finally got a Version 5 Tamagotchi. I just got it yesterday. Thanks to Deborah, I know how to play with it and but some of it, of course, coz I still dont know some things. Yesterday, I was at my Uncle Adam's, or should I say Proffessor Adam's, clinic. My mum said he had a surprise for us. My mum couldn't go for she was sick. So she called my aunt, because my aunt is getting married with Uncle Adam. We drove there, and while we were in the car, I was wondering if my sister was right, as she said this: " I know its gonna be the V5 Tamagotchi, because I heard them talkin about it on the phone last night ". I was so excited!! When we got there, Uncle Adam teased us, he said we must sing before we got the present. Of course, I saw the bag with the gifts, perched on a chair. When I saw it a little flat, I knew my sister was right. Needless to say, I was a good singer but my sister is not a fan, in fact, she doesnt even sing! ( Only for classes, but I tell you, she was one bad singer! ) So since I was the winner, I got it first and she got it second. Then we pleaded him to improve our subjects we were bad in. He said this: Ok, small matter. I tell you a secret, if you say you can many times, you can! But once you say cannot only once, then you cant do it! My motto is: Do first, Complain later. Then we left, as happy as can be. When we got home, we proudly showed it to our parents. And when I showed mine to my baby brother, he stared at it first, and then laughed at it as to say: Wow, thats cool! It was the BEST day ever. My wish came true. But first, Deborah if you are reading this, do you mind if I ask you a few questions at your blog? Thanks!

Make sure to look out for more posts!
- Posting Hana <<

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Earthquakes & Cyclone

Topic: Earthquake - Yep, today we're going to talk about earthquakes. Causes of some earthquakes are very dangerous that even more than 1,000 houses can be destroyed. People who does not want to suffer may find a good place where they cant see anything shaking or something like that, but of course, its not easy to find one. Hmm.. maybe scientists may detect an earthquake if they made some kind of invention... but right now I dont think they can detect earthquakes. We only know if there's an earthquake when things begin to shake, and rocks tumble down from mountains ( small rocks ). The last country to be hit by an earthquake was the country China, Sichuan. We knew there was an earthquake by a Singaporean travelling there. Luckily, he was not one of the victims. Do you know what makes earthquakes? Well, Underneath the earth, there are plates the shape of our countries. Since they're not joined together, they move around fast. And sometimes, one of the plates will shake so fast that it hits another plate, therefore an earthquake is made. Since Singapore is the smallest plate, it quite a distance from other plates. So, I think that Singapore will most likely would not have one.

Topic: Cyclone - A Cyclone is a type of tornado, but its bigger than a tornado. It is made by very strong wind, and like a tornado, its picks up people and other things and throws them around, which means that when they hit the ground, they might most likely die. The last country to be hit by a Cyclone was the country Myanmmar, Burma. There were so many victims, that some people were to be dead or missing. Many people cried for their beloved ones, and after the Cyclone, they named it Cyclone Nargis. Luckily, only part of the country was wiped out by the Cyclone, at least there are still people in Myanmmar. I hope there will be no Cyclone in Singapore!

And that ends my post. Sorry if its too long. I like to give as much details as I can. Dont forget to look out for more posts! Bye

- Posting Hana