Sunday, February 15, 2009

Extra Activities Inside School

Ok friends these are my answers to Mdm Phua's blog. Starting... Now!


1.Monday - IT Lesson and IT Sparkxx club. Tuesday - High Achievers programme. Wednesday - Prefect - Hall duty. Thursday - Prefect - Wii duty. (Cyber Paradise) Friday - CCA Drama Club and Wii duty (if I don't want to go home yet) =).

2.One day usually. But If you want the Wii, then I should say any day I can do that duty =).

3.Monday - 5 hours. Tuesday - 2 hours. Wednesday - 45min, but until 5pm if Cyber Paradise is open and I can do it. Thursday - 5 hours. Friday - 3 hours if just drama club. But if Wii is open then its 5 hours also =).

4.Monday - Lessons which I guess is compulsory. Tuesday - Lessons to help me strive higher & compulsory. Wednesday - I volunteered for it. Thursday - I volunteered for it. Friday - It was my last year's CCA and I'n not used to others.

5.Yes, because Monday and Tuesday improves my knowledge, Wednesday & Thursday improves my self-discipline (as well as helping-out skills) and Friday is to get my body active (besides, I'm an actress, yes, but I still need to improve right?).

6.No, it doesnt affect my work or me. Carrying on, go with the flow, you know. That kind of stuff.

7.No, I'm not stressed with it, you could say it helps me relax a little, though sometimes its hard work.

8.Maybe they should, maybe not. It's not my place to decide for them. Everybody has their own soul, right?
So that's my answers. Hopefully not wrong-said ones. Well, bye!