Monday, March 10, 2008

Cultural Camp

Please read the comment before reading this post!

Some fun I had today! It was the cultural camp day. At first I thought it was going to be boring. But I was wrong, it was actually sooo fun! I thought we didnt need to bring anything today, just ourselves, but then, I discovered we had to use pencils for somethings! Luckily, my friend brought an extra pencil. First, we went to the 4.4 class to do a malay dance. Although there were other malays in class, my friend I danced better than them. I smiled and looked at the others. True, some of them just didn't know how to do the footwork but just do it as if they were walking! And some just froze they're hands, not moving them at all. Next, we did henna painting. I got a nice henna, but some other friends got a henna which I think was more nicer than mine :(.
We learned that henna is made from leaves. You just have to grind the leaf, and then.. err i forgotten already. Sorry. The auntie said that it is also to cool down your system and its like medicine! She also said that henna is normally worn on special occasions like weddings, Deepavali ( of course ) and Hari Raya. Then we went to the canteen to have a tea break. I didnt eat either the muffin nor the Lychee drink. Why? Because the muffin which I see i think was plain, and I dont like Lychee at all! Instead, I took out the only 10 cent coin I had to call home to tell my maid to come to school to give me additional pocket money and some water. As soon as I got the money, I only had time to eat one cookie. So i bought a cookie from stall number 2, ate it and went to the hall. After we left, we went downstairs and went to the erm is it 3.2 or 3.3 room? There, we did face-painting. Only some of us (including me) did not volunteer. Then the auntie picked my friend, Maisyarah ( Maiy-sah-rah ) to paint her face. But when the whole process was done, (Close to the end) a tear fell down her cheek. Then I knew exactly why she was crying: because all the boys had laughed at her when she was painting her face (The face is like a monkey). The boys who laughed at her was : Dylan - 3.2, Lucas - I dont know, Dominick - I dont know, Shafiq fitri - 3.7 and Syafiq surawan - 3.5. So, I told our leader of what happened as Maisyarah couldn't say anything. So, me and the leader went to the toilet to wash her face. " Haiyo, you so pretty yet you still want to wash! " said our leader as she wetted the toilet paper and tried to wipe her face. Although she could wipe it, it was red underneath. But further in this post her face turned to her normal colour :). By the time we went back to class, three boys were standing on chairs wearing chinese costumes and masks. One was the monkey mask, which the face-painter copied to make Maisyarah look exactly like it and the others I dont know. After we said good-bye to the face-painters and instructor, who merely talked only chinese and my friend had to translate it, we went to the next class/station. There, we learned about sarees. Then, they wanted three girls (of course girls, its a indian woman costume what! Not men -_-) to try on three 6 metres of cloth (to wear the sarees). Me, Maisyarah and an indian girl named Shashnita (Or is it Shashneeta?) volunteered with some others, but we got chosen. There was no mirror, so the leader took a picture of us with her handphone and showed it to us. We were quite pretty actually, but the boys that I mentioned in this post said 'boooo' or 'Not nice!' or 'Wah, like mak cik like that!'. We did not care anymore, but actually Dylan laughed the most ( And I dont mean Dylan the Dylan in our class hor -_- ). After we learned more about the sarees and so on, we went upstairs. Then, we went to class 4 point something and there, we did a chinese dance. At first I thought all the instructors will speak chinese as its a chinese dance. But one instructor spoke english while the other one speaked chinese and as the dancer, he showed us the moves. But of course before that, introduction. "Sigh.." I said to myself "Always some boring introduction and the fun comes at the last part. Haiyozzz." But then, after the introductions was over, Mr Leong ( The Chinese Guy ) showed us some simple moves. Amongst all, I was the best because I saw him point at me and talk to Mr Frankie ( The english one ) like if he was saying "wah, this girl good dancer ah!" I guessed to you as he was speaking chinese. After seeing all the choreography we did becoming fruition, he decided that since our group, amongst all other groups, was the best dancers, he said that we were to perform infront of all the groups at 4pm. "WHAAAT?!" This was the sound made from our group. Oh my god x3! said the girl beside me. Then after that we said goodbye and then to class.. 3.4! There, I sat at my own place, own desk & chair. We did kolam designs or Rangoli. At first, the instructor taught us how to draw oil lamps and flowers. When it was over, we went to a big paper and then our leader said: You can draw one flower each and then you can move on to something else." she said smiling. Then she joined us and drew a big yet beautiful flower herself, coloured with chalk and then stood up to see what the other people on another paper drawing (It is big papers, thats why we can gather round and draw designs like a group! Although the instructor taught us how to draw flowers, mine wasn't nicer than hers. It looked just like a lumpy flower with big & small petals as I'm not a good drawer. Oh, I almost forgot! We went to the station where we made ketupats. Our leader chose me to translate the malay words the auntie said for the chinese to understand. After making ketupats, we went downstairs to the canteen again for lunch. Before that Mr Ravi came in to say that we were going to have Mcdonalds to eat! "YAAY!" Our group said except me as it was bad news for me. You see, my mum read the article of how people got cancer from fast food, so she cut our junk-eating to only once a month! " Haiyo, how like that.. Now I cant eat Mcdonalds anymore till next month!" I said with a sigh. But as we went downstairs, I thought there would be chicken nuggets as I LOVE them. But then, as I opened the Mcdonalds bag, My smile turned to dismay. There was no nuggets at all! Only a McChicken burger, apple pie and some chilli sauce was inside. Now you see, I didn't really like burgers. I dont like the lettuce and pickles and all that. But I had no choice, I had to eat the burger otherwise I'll starve! But before that, I gave the apple pie to Maisyarah. She happily took it and said " Im going to give this to my mother." then I looked at the burger. Then I took a bite. I munched it and thought that its not bad at all! It was DELICIOUS! Then I ate it. There was a quarter of the burger left when I dropped it. " Aiya! Now cannot finish coz its dirty -_- ~" I said. So I wrapped it up, put it inside the Mcdonald bag and threw it away. I drank some water and went to the hall. And this continues the sentences above the ketupat trip. Continuing.... then, we went to the hall. Mr Leong was dressed up funnily, like a pirate. But his top did not cover his whole body. Only was left to cover was the middle. So sometimes it showed his.. erm, I dont want to say it thank you! Then, Mr frankie called us up. At first, our group was reluctant to go, only me. I was to first one to stand up. ( Im quite a courageous girl if you want to describe me. And the ones in the group who reads this post, no offence, seriously :)) Then a chinese lady teacher told the group to go infront of all the groups. The music started playing and we did the dance moves. At the end, the 'Audience' didn't clap so loud. " Maybe we were so scared and acted like we havent practised it..." I thought. Then, Mr Leong and with his funny costume, danced at the left side at the hall. We didn't use the stage as it was filled with Guzheng instruments. After that there was the malay dance and then it was time to go home. I took 10 cents from my additional pocket money my maid gave me to call home to tell my maid to fetch me home. This was her reply: "Wait awhile ah Lysa, I still feeding Andrew ( My baby brother ) milk ( bottled ). Got a lot more milk, wait he cry. So you wait ok Lysa?". "Ok" I replyed, hung up the phone and bought chrysanthemem tea from stall 1, which was still open. As I drank, I tried to hear what Mr Koo was talking to Chen Wei, Nicholas and some other boys. Soon, my maid came and took me home. Oh and I forgot again! After the malay dance, we were given a form to fill up. It was a form which asked questions like 'Did you like the cultural camp?' or 'Did you like the activities given from the camp?' The last question was 'Do you have anything to say for the camp?' I wrote down 'I hope the school will host it again' as it really was fun! I gave the pencil back to my friend and handed the form to our leader. Continued from the sentences from the word home. Continuing.... I loved this day very much! I hope that the school will host it again! Remember, keep a look out for more posts or you tell me to give you an update every time I write a new blog post! Thank you for reading this post!

- Hana


Hana said...

I know its a very long post, so you can skip some sentences lah.

Anonymous said...

You sure enjoy that day!

desiree teo said...

you really enjoy your cultural camp

Hana said...

Yes, I enjoyed it very much. Maybe you should also post it up like mine :). Coz Im posting up every event that I had and that I wished that it will be hosted again!! Look out for posts and keep posting.

- Posted Hana >:)

Anonymous said...

I got put your blog in my links.

Hana said...

Hi, a new post is coming!

dY!n 50uL said...

When i read i only read those interesting parts. try to cut short

Anonymous said...

So long.Great!

Hana said...

Darren, I couldnt cut short coz a lot of things was going on that day! Thats why I wrote a lot of things becoz it was a very busy plus exciting day!

Samantha said...

such a long post.....zzzzzzz...... #_# so sleepy..... finish! so long..... i almost took 1/2 hr to finish reading. i know a lot of people like henna and whatever...... like things other than henna 4 example: rangoli (kolam designs) bla bla bla bla......etc.