Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Other Occupation.

The make-up artist is doing my hair, I sure am getting in shape for my photoshoot!
This is Haris, he plays my younger brother in the drama. He has long hair though.....
Ok! We're all ready and getting into position. Just some touch-ups to do. The Ismail family from Atas Heights! SMILE! Oh ya, and the guy at the top-left hand corner is a singer. His song is number 2 in the radio station Ria in the Ria charts.
My mother, father and younger brother! In Position.. and ACTION!! *Take picture* And CUT!


Hi, I should've posted this a long time ago, but I will post it now. I know that most of my malay friends already know this, but not you. Now, I am telling you something which may seem surprising to those who do not know but boring for those who ALREADY know. I am a malay drama actress with Mediacorp TV. I know you think I am kidding but, its true! And for proof, here are some pictures from my photoshoot from my latest Drama Series. Its called Atas Heights and it will be aired on the 2nd of April, 9:30 PM on Suria channel. I have acted so far in 5 different programmes, ranging from childrens educational shows to musical variety shows and now in malay drama. So try and catch me on Atas Heights even though you might not understand malay, you will still see me in different scenes. :)


Hana said...

Hi! Hope you like the pics !~!

dY!n 50uL said...

i do like those pics they are very nice!

Deborah said...


Gee! you must be popular ;D

Anonymous said...

Just like what Deborah said you must be popular.But how did you become a tv actress?

Samantha said...

..........2nd apri hmm? ok i will watch.

desiree teo said...

you really do look pretty in the photo

Hana said...

Thanks guys! Hopefully, you will like the show. Check on wednesday newspapers for what time coz I dont know what time it will be shown. And the answer for your question, Zong Hui. Its a long story but I will tell you anyway. My mother owns a company, Goldchocs. She also has a factory where she organise chocolate workshops. My sister and I decided that we will join in. Some cameramen then came iun. They were going to film the worrkshop for how to make chocolates and put in on TV! They saw that I do the chocolates very well and is well-behaved. Thats when one day, they called me up to act in a show! And thats how I become an actress :)

Hana said...

Hi, Hope more comments will be coming on through post or Cbox!

Samantha said...

i know you change the background at : ****-**-******* . But it is very difficult to read. nvm, as long as you don't make it black. Sorry if i am being rude.

Hana said...

Its alright samantha. I go there to do my blogskin coz my sis also goes there to take her blogskin.

desiree teo said...

is this real or you are acting in drama