Monday, July 28, 2008

My trip to Darul Ihsan Muslim Girls Orphanage

OK, it all started out on the 25th of July, which I was sick with diarrhoea and fever and could not go to school. It was still 8:20 AM, so of course I was still in bed. But luckily, around 2 PM I was able to stand up and walk around, as I felt too weak in the morning. My dad and mum locked themselves in their room, and I'm sorry, I eavesdropped a bit. I couldn't make out a single word, but they were in a deep discussion. 20 minutes later, they came out, only seeing me playing with my Beados (its the toy that you create a picture with beads and then spray it with water and they will join together in approximately 10 minutes) and my sister on her laptop. (me and my sister have our own laptops, and I'm using mine right now to type this very post.) My mum called out to us to stop playing for a moment because my parents wanted to talk to us. So after we were seated, my mum started talking. She said "Tomorrow we are going to take you to an orphanage, but we're going early in the morning." Then I spoke up "What are we there for?" My dad replied "We're going there to teach you a lesson and that lesson is 'How Lucky You Are'." he said with a grin. "The orphanage said we could bring donuts, because they said they LOVE donuts." my mum continued. "Right, so has this conversation coming to an end? I'm tired mummy." I said. She nodded, and I packed up my Beados and took a long nap. I had a dream, picturing the orphanage. It was a bad picture. Next day, we were up early, or should I say my sister and my parents woke up early. My mum said I was not too well yet, and so it was decided I only went after they bought the donuts. So I dozed off again, but woke at 9 AM. They still weren't back, so I had some free time. I played with my baby brother for 10 minutes, and after that he had to eat his breakfast (He has no teeth yet, so he eats foods that are like mashed up. So I took out my Beados and since I just did it for fun, I didn't spray, I just make it, keep back the beads and make a different picture. Then my mother called saying for me to get ready. So I got ready as fast as I could. Then the van rolled in the car park, and when I went to the back of the van, there were two big bags with three donut boxes each. Each boxes had twelve pieces of donuts. So we were off to the orphanage, I didn't know the name of the orphanage, but I knew there would be a sign that will tell. And sure enough when we got there, I was surprised that it wasn't the same bad picture as it was in my dream. It was like a school, only smaller. And the sign said this: Darul Ihsan Girls Orphanage. The first thing I saw was the kitchen through a glass door, and I also saw lots of girls. The girls were wearing bandanas, and were playing. Some of them are aged like me, some older. So we went in, and the girls greeted us. We plopped the donuts on a table and told the cook its for the girls. Right then and there, the principal burst in the room. The girls stood up and bowed respectfully. Then they sat again and continued what they were doing. The principal led us outside and thanked us for the donuts. She also said if we came again we can also bring other stuff other than food. Then, as me, my sister and my dad waited outside, my mum went inside the principal's office and talked to her. 10 minutes later, we were back in the van and we drove home. We now know that not many people are very lucky, and we now always make we don't take things for granted. We have to cherish everything that God has given us.

The moral of this post is that NEVER waste food, or pollute and don't take things for granted. Once we do, we might never stop and we would one day lose EVERYTHING we have. And it would our own fault. So, I hope you learn something from this post. Thank you and keep posting!

- Posting Hana <<

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Racial Harmony Day

Today I shall talk about the exciting day we had on the twenty-first day of July, Racial Harmony Day. That day, there were not too many lessons. In fact, you could say we only had two or three lessons only! The day started out like this: We were sitting quietly in the hall. After assembly, we sat down again and Mdm Phua announced that she will tell us what we will be doing through out the day. After she told us what we were going to make, where the games and food stalls were etc, etc, there was a show where some students danced a dance which combines all Malay, Chinese and Indian dances. We all cheered when we heard we'd have an hour for recess, because our usual one is only 30 minutes. After that, we went back to class and did some work. We cheered again when it was recess time. When I went down to the canteen, there were a lot of stalls. After I took a good look at them, I realized there were too many foods to pick from, and I had a huge headache trying to pick the food. So I just bought a sandwich and nibbled on it. After that,I went out and played game and took a picture of me wearing a sari, but I forgot to retrieve the picture. By that time I realized, recess was over. But I remembered that my sister was one of the photographers so I decided to just get it from her after school. After we were all quietly seated in the hall, Mdm Phua announced that we will watch a show: The importance of being kaypoh. It was hilarious! After the show, we went to class and made bunga mangga's. It was a very great day.

That is all what we've done that day and now this post comes to an end. Keep posting!

- Posting Hana <<

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Ok, today we talk about Cyberbullying. to start off this post, lets learn what is cyberbullying.

Cyberbulllying is also something like bullying, just that it happens online. Cyberbullying is very very bad. It contains VULGAR, TEASING and most of all, HURTING PEOPLE'S FEELINGS.

You can easily spot a cyberbully in a person if that person begins to do things like this: taunting and teasing at a person, shouting vulgar and making angry faces such as >:(. That will straight mean that he/she is a cyberbully. Now you may ask, why do they become a cyberbully? Well, before they become a cyberbully, they had experienced frustration and had their feelings were always hurt. Then, that person gets too frustrated and hurt and no longer wants to experience it, they begin to shout at others, their temper always high. Once, in the online game Habbo, when I was in a room chatting, I accidently typed a wrong word and one person was fed up, thinking I was saying a bad word, and kicked me out of the room! Anger was boiling inside of me, of course, but I held back.

Now, how do we stop a cyberbully? Well, lets just say it a bit hard to know as nobody ever knows because they always do back when one does something to them. So I think the best way is to either talk to the bully or just stay away from that person until they are friendlier. So if you choose to talk the bully, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY! Dont say things that will make the bully angrier. But if you say something to them, like "Why are you doing this? What's making you like this?" (which is quite alright) and they say "What does it care to you?","Thats none of your business!" or even "Why do you care?!" then I advise you to either end the conversation or keep going. Talk to the victims too, and find out what the bully had done and make a plan. That way, things will be easier.

Thats much of what I can tell you, but I'm afraid I have not more. I end this post right now and I hope none of you will be a cyberbully or a victim of the case. Be safe and keep posting!

- Posting Hana << :)


Yep, we're talking about Nettiqutte today! Okay, to show nettiqutte in cyberspace, you can just be friendly! Dont chat about ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING that is related to this word and the meaning of these words: Bad and Negative. To be a cool cyberkid, here are some tips: 1. Be friendly 2. Never do anything bad and 3. Be smart and think wisely before you do anything! Nettiqutte is really important! If you dont show nettiquette, you will NO FRIENDS, no matter how hard you try to make them and these are some words that also represent you: Discourteous, bad, unfriendly, and a CYBERBULLY! (Thats a clue to the next post) If you see someone that doesn't have Nettiqutte with them, give them some advice that if they dont stop, they might as well become a cyberbully and will have no friends at all! If they take your advice, then congratulations! You have become a good cyberfriend. But if that person still becomes bad, then just stick around them for awhile, because you are going to see that one day, they have no friends at all and cries for help. You can then be a cyberhero and be his/her friend and teach him nettiqutte, and who knows? He might become your best friend after that! My advice to all of you, ALWAYS bring Nettiquette with you when you enter the cyberspace. And soon, you will find that you will have a lot of friends and will never become a cyberbully, not even once.

I hope you like my post and I hope you learnt something. Another post will be coming soon!

- Hana <<