Sunday, July 13, 2008


Ok, today we talk about Cyberbullying. to start off this post, lets learn what is cyberbullying.

Cyberbulllying is also something like bullying, just that it happens online. Cyberbullying is very very bad. It contains VULGAR, TEASING and most of all, HURTING PEOPLE'S FEELINGS.

You can easily spot a cyberbully in a person if that person begins to do things like this: taunting and teasing at a person, shouting vulgar and making angry faces such as >:(. That will straight mean that he/she is a cyberbully. Now you may ask, why do they become a cyberbully? Well, before they become a cyberbully, they had experienced frustration and had their feelings were always hurt. Then, that person gets too frustrated and hurt and no longer wants to experience it, they begin to shout at others, their temper always high. Once, in the online game Habbo, when I was in a room chatting, I accidently typed a wrong word and one person was fed up, thinking I was saying a bad word, and kicked me out of the room! Anger was boiling inside of me, of course, but I held back.

Now, how do we stop a cyberbully? Well, lets just say it a bit hard to know as nobody ever knows because they always do back when one does something to them. So I think the best way is to either talk to the bully or just stay away from that person until they are friendlier. So if you choose to talk the bully, CHOOSE YOUR WORDS CAREFULLY! Dont say things that will make the bully angrier. But if you say something to them, like "Why are you doing this? What's making you like this?" (which is quite alright) and they say "What does it care to you?","Thats none of your business!" or even "Why do you care?!" then I advise you to either end the conversation or keep going. Talk to the victims too, and find out what the bully had done and make a plan. That way, things will be easier.

Thats much of what I can tell you, but I'm afraid I have not more. I end this post right now and I hope none of you will be a cyberbully or a victim of the case. Be safe and keep posting!

- Posting Hana << :)